Top 5 Tech Reads: Jan 23–29

Jessica Firn
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2017


via Techcrunch

Apple joins the Partnership on AI, the Activation Lock Tool is removed from, and a study suggests that Swift is prevailing over Objective-C. Check out our top tech reads from last week!

  1. Apple has allegedly begun removing Iranian iOS apps from the App store. Reports from Iran suggest that the tech giant has taken several Iranian apps — including the biggest Iranian e-commerce service, Digikala — off of the App Store. (Techcrunch)
  2. Apple joins research group for ethical AI with fellow tech giants. The group, Partnership on AI, was initially formed by five tech leaders: Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, and IBM. (The Verge)
  3. It’s now harder to check if a used iPhone is a stolen iPhone. Apple’s iCloud Activation Lock tool — which is used to determine whether a used iOS device is tied to an active account — appears to have been removed from (Mashable)
  4. iOS developers are switching to Swift according to this Upwork study. Although iOS and macOS developers can still use Apple’s Objective-C, the study demonstrates that tech companies are increasingly looking for developers who know Swift. (Techcrunch)
  5. Dumping a Bad App? Tips for a Painless Breakup. After months — or even years — of sharing your personal data with an app, there are a couple key things to keep in mind before you part ways forever. (NYT Tech)

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